1. 具备真空泵产品销售经验;
Have sales experience in vacuum pump products;
2. 对市场、应用及产品熟悉;
Familiar with the market, applications, and products;
3. 行业无特殊要求;
There are no special requirements in the industry;
4. 沟通协调能力强,与客户保持良好的沟通,实时把握客户需求,提高客户满意度;
Strong communication and coordination skills, maintain good communication with customers, grasp customer needs in real time, and improve customer satisfaction;
5. 深入了解市场特点及竞争对手情况,制定有效的销售计划、方案、策略,实现市场的有效拓展与持续发展;
Gain a deep understanding of market characteristics and competitor situations, develop effective sales plans, schemes, and strategies, and achieve effective market expansion and sustainable development;
6. 能适应出差;
Able to adapt to business trips.
苏州 - 虎丘
苏州 - 吴中
苏州 - 虎丘
苏州 - 虎丘
苏州 - 吴中
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