BAA亚联公务机(亚联公务机有限公司Business Aviation Asia Limited)是亚太地区极具影响力的公务机运营商之一,为客户提供卓越水准的飞机托管、包机出行、飞机交易、以及飞机维修、地面保障、机务培训等综合服务,成为客户公务飞行的首选伙伴。
BAA(Business Aviation Asia Limited) is one of the most influential business aviation operators in Asia-Pacific Region. It always committed to providing clients with superior services, including aircraft management, charter flights, aircraft acquisition and sales, as well as integrated services such as aircraft maintenance, ground handling, and engineering training. The Company has become the preferred partner amid business aviation industry.
Over a decade, BAA has dived deep in Greater China Region and developed a global layout. Its pursuit of offering service experience beyond clients' expectations has made it the leader in business aviation sector.
Our base network stretch over nearly 20 cities includes Shenzhen, Hongkong, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Jinbian etc.