集团主营业务囊括学校运营、素质教育背景提升、留学培训指导等国际教育主流项目。此外,集团还下属房产物业、金融投资、教育科技投资等事业部。 集团下属中加枫华国际学校建校于 2003年,坐落于沪苏交界的淀山湖畔,学校占地约550亩,目前现有小、初、高在校生约2200名,高中部开设加拿大卑诗省BC课程与英国A-Level课程。 学校连续8年荣获加拿大BC最佳海外学校,2016--2019年连续4年荣获加拿大BC年检满分,问鼎BC海外学校全球第一。
Sino Canada Education Group, founded in 1997, is one of the leading international education provider in Eastern China.
Sino-Canada operates multiple international schools, after-school programs, background promotion programs and high school counselling programs. In addition, Sino-Canada also invests in real state, financial market and development in education technology.
The SinoCanada School was founded in 2003, next to the Lake Dianshan in western Shanghai. The school enrolls students from kindergarten to G12. The high school students here study Canadian BC and British A-Level courses.
For 8 consecutive years, the school has been awarded the best overseas BC school by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia.