
Senior Manager Marketing Strategy, Planning, Research

  • 北京朝阳区
  • 5-10年
  • 本科
  • 全职
  • 招1人



At the BMW Group, everything starts with passion. It turns a profession into a vocation. It drives us to keep reinventing mobility and bring innovative ideas onto the roads. Enthusiasm for joint projects turns a team into a strong unit where every opinion is valued. It is only when expertise, highly professional processes and enjoyment of work unite that we can shape the future together.

Develop, evaluate and implement China market specific marketing strategies on both Brand and New product Launch levels, for optimum exploitation of existing and future market potentials. Set yearly marketing activities strategic direction, steer brand level marketing campaigns and coordinate market research activities.

What awaits you?

-Define, develop and implement marketing overall strategy incl. brand strategy, yearly plan and new initiatives to strengthen brand and support sales. This task will also cover new expanding business activities e.g. E-mobility / Used Car.

-Steer overall marketing planning in collaboration with all related teams (sales, PR, CRM, after-sales etc) and implement brand level campaigns.

-Develop strong market research activity e.g. customer research, communication campaign to provide concrete strategic development recommendation for new market opportunities exploitation.

-Prepare management reports and presentations for decision circles and high level AG visitors.

-Guide and coach new team members to bring them to high level of proficiency in terms of BMW Brand, general marketing strategy, operational marketing planning and steering knowledge.

-Coordinate and cooperate with other depts. on company level planning and strategic topics to maximize synergy and efficiency.

Qualifications and experience

-Master degree, business administration or marketing preferred

-Proficiency with strategic planning in marketing plans/campaigns

-Proficiency with product launch and lifecycle marketing activities

-Proficiency skills in marketing communication (ATL, BTL, eMarketing, event, CRM, dealer marketing, etc.)

-Knowledge of auto industry and automobile product

-Competency of Strategic thinking

-Good communication skills and open minded

-Market research knowledge

-Project management skills and very detailed oriented

-Ability of problem solving and conflict management

-Driving license and capable of driving

-Marketing 7-10years

-Automotive industry 4-6years

You are ready to join our fun team and ready to light your inspiration? Apply now!






宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司 BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd.公司标签
作为世界领先的汽车和摩托车制造商,宝马集团在全球100多个国家拥有超过100,000名员工。集团旗下拥有BMW、MINI、Rolls-Royce和BMW Motorrad四个品牌;同时提供汽车金融和高档出行服务。宝马集团的创新理念及先进技术堪称高端汽车领域个人汽车的最高水平。1994年4月,宝马集团在北京设立代表处(“德国宝马汽车公司北京代表处”),标志着宝马集团首次进入中国市场。2005年10月,宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司设立,这是宝马进入中国市场后又一次里程碑式的事件。通过进口及本地生产,宝马全系车型在中国市场已均有销售。宝马汽车金融(中国)有限公司成立于2010年9月,负责中国大陆的业务。作为全球的盈利性金融服务提供商,宝马汽车金融致力于为宝马集团的“Number One Next”战略做出贡献。宝马(中国)服务有限公司成立于2011年4月,总部位于北京,分公司位于上海、沈阳和重庆,主要为在中国及亚洲其他国家的宝马集团提供服务。先锋国际融资租赁有限公司成立于2009年。2016年4月,先锋租赁正式加入BMW集团,成为BMW集团的一员。2018年3月,华晨宝马汽车有限公司成为先锋租赁的股东之一。宝马(中国)投资有限公司于2019年12月注册,总部位于北京。是宝马集团全资子公司。宝马(中国)汽车贸易有限公司、宝马(中国)服务有限公司、宝马汽车金融(中国)有限公司、先锋国际融资租赁有限公司、以及宝马(中国)投资有限公司单独称为“公司”或合称“宝马中国”。