蒂升电梯(中国)有限公司是蒂升电梯在中国的分支,于1995年进入中国,随着业务和生产能力的快速增长,目前在全国约有10,000名员工,三个生产基地和遍布全国的运营网络。我们以百年积累的创新经验、精益求精的工匠精神以及严苛的德国设计及制造标准,打造安全可靠、性能卓越、绿色节能的电扶梯产品,还可以根据不同项目情况进行高度定制化设计,满足客户的多样化需求。我们的愿景是致力于成为业界领先并以人为本的服务品牌。随时随地,无处不在。TK Elevator(China) Co.,Ltd, a subsidiary of TK Elevator, entered China market in 1995. With the rapid development of business and production capacity, we have around 10,000 employees, three factories and an extensive operation network over the country. At TK Elevator, we build safe,reliable, high-performing and energy efficiency products including elevators,escalators and moving walks, under our century-year innovation experience,excelsior craftsmanship spirit and strict German design and manufacturingstandards. Furthermore, we also offer highly customized products to meet theclients’ diversified requirements. Ourvision is to be the people-centric service brand leading the elevator industry. Anywhere, anytime.