公司简介 The brief introduction of the company中国天津汇英实业有限公司于1993年在中国天津经济技术开发区注册,以服装实业为基础,产品出口日本、美国、加拿大等国并享有良好的信誉。公司还被中国出口商品检验检疫机构授予“出口一类企业”。公司下属机构:天津市东丽生产基地,河北省石家庄办事处,柬埔寨办事处以及两家贸易公司。公司通过国际质量联盟IQNet和CQC的ISO9001:2008国际标准质量体系认证。于2008年成立日本检品公司 NEW STYLE CO,.LTD中国天津检品所.公司经营理念:“为顾客提供百分之百满意的产品,为顾客提供百分之百满意的服务”。汇英的生存与发展依存于顾客。满足顾客要求并争取超越顾客期望是汇英的永恒理念。汇英坚持认为,顾客满意是资本不是成本,顾客满意就是汇英人的工作标准。顾客的抱怨是礼物不是麻烦,顾客永远是正确的。Tianjin Huiying Enterprises Co,.Ltd of China was registered in the Economic technique development area of Tienjin(TEDA) in 1993. The company exports garments to Japan, the United States and Canada etc.. Company subordinate organization: Tienjin Dongli Factory.Hebei Shijiazhuang Office, Cambodia office. And other two trading companies.. The company passed Certification of ISO9001:2008 international standard by IQNet and CQC. And established China Inspection Branch of New Style Co,.Ltd registered in.Japan.Company Business Philosophy:“Best Product,Best Service”.Huiying replies upon customers for survival and development. It is Huiying’s perpetual philosophy to satisfy customer’s demand and struggle to exceed customer’s expectation. According to Huiying, customer satisfaction is capital rather than cost. Customer satisfaction is Huiying’s criterion of wor. Instead of a trouble, customer complaint is a gift to Huiying. Customers are right forever.