TOPWAY成立于1996年,是专业设计生产液晶显示模块(LCD MODULE)的高科技企业。公司核心是一群在LCD领域工作多年的工程师,以提高液晶显示应用技术水平为目标,依靠多年积累的经验与技术优势与国外相关企业广泛合作,以国内著名高校雄厚的科研力量与人才资源为持续发展的后盾,脚踏实地,迅速发展壮大之中的一间高技术公司。公司拥有从日本引进的先进的COB,TAB和ACF等液晶显示模块生产设备,有完善的工厂质量管理体系,产品质量得到绝对的保证。拓普微科技有着广泛的信息渠道,与许多电子设计公司有着紧密的联系,及时深入地了解国内外LCD技术发展以及手持式产品等相关应用领域的市场信息,准确掌握市场的发展趋势,设计上不断创新,使我们提供的产品适合不断变化的市场需要。Established in 1996, Topway is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the design and manufacturing of LCD Module. Being a customer-focused company, Topway has gradually gained a strong foothold in South China as a company excels in Quality, Innovative, and Service.Topway's founding members are teams of professional engineers whose careers have long been associated with LCD industry. With such solid experience and technology know-how, these high-power LCD Module specialists have a strong sense of duty and passion to deliver the best LCD Module to customers.Topway's production equipment are state-of-the-art Japan imported technology including COB, TAB, etc. Our production plant has stringent quality control to guarantee absolute product quality.Topway have a very close and long standing cooperative relationship with China higher education institutions where in-depth technology research and quality human resource are readily available. Our up-to-date market intelligence of handheld products, extensive networking with product design houses and component makers all ensure our LCD Module as technology superior and market welcome.