汇德绘设计事务有限公司成立于2014年,注册资金人民币500万元 ADD International was established in 2014 with registered capital of RMB. 5 million. website:www.intl-add.com我们运用设计帮助客户成长,强化工作效率,改善工作环境 We help customers to grow up, enhance efficiency and improve working environment by excellent design.汇聚了上海、深圳著名外企办公室及酒店、别墅之设计经验 We have the design experience of offices, hotels and villas of famous foreign companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen.拥有多年从事国际设计项目之设计师、管理人员及技术人员 Designers, managers and technicians who have been engaged with international design projects for many years.团队拥有国际高端客户合作经验 Our team has the cooperation experience of international project.我们有完善的咨询调研,规划设计,项目管理,施工与施工管理的服务 We have complete research, planning, project management, construction and construction management services.我们讲究室内设计、建筑结构和技术专业间的协调工作,使各方完美衔接并高效合作 We focus on the coordination between interior design, building structure and technology, so that all sides can achieve perfect convergence and efficient cooperation.我们的优势:激情与技能,国际视野的水平,合理价格,在运作模式和接洽过程中为客户有效降低成本 Our main strengths are: passion and skills, international vision, reasonable charges.