金锐芯是一家以人为本,以技术为核心的公司,我们的发展方向分为两方面:1,在FPGA方面,我们代理分销个品牌的硬件板卡,并且我们自己的团队可以根据客户的要求,定制符合要求的二次开发的软硬件,特别在信号处理方面,以及调制解调方面:基于FPGA平台的板卡方案(BASE ON XILINX’S FPGA SOLUTION):我们有成功的案例(基于XILINX,TI,ADI技术平台),以及实物说明,我们已经为多地域的终端客户做了上千套的数据采集板卡,运算板卡,以及通信类板卡合作厂家有 XILINX ACTEL ALTERA FREESCALE四大主流FPGAWe have successful case(based on the XILINX, TI, ADI technology platform, as well as the physical description), we have made the data acquisition card, thousands of sets for terminal customers of the regional operational board, and communication card 2,在设备项目一体化供应方面,我们一直致力于研究(包含软硬件)的系统化设备,以及在授权配件的基础上,帮助客户处理一些设备故障,维修方面的问题:设备的配件供应:RF Cable射频电缆, adapter适配器, DMM test head数字外用表测试头,frequely plug频率测试插头,Cavity Filter腔式过滤器,Shield Box.协力合作厂商有:keysight(Agilent), tektronix(泰克), R&S(德国RS), NI(美国仪器)等The supply of equipment: our cooperation manufacturers are: keysight(Agilent), Tektronix(Tai Ke), R&S(German RS), NI(American instrument) etc.Scheme of integrated intelligent equipment: we can provide customers the component intelligent equipment line, and an intelligent laboratory. First of all, we know that the detailed requirements of the customers; then customized exclusive software, customers will have to buy the software together, mutual cooperation, realize intelligentThe test system and the training course: we can provide common training courses for Agilent and Tektronix equipment, lies in the system highlights: if it is a testing laboratory, users want to get some data, then the system can be run automatically, automatic test(for example a basic equipment, we can guide what am/ FM, and how to test to the signal, and even how to judge the signal is correct or not), not just to buy new equipment, old equipment can also be used, when users don't know how to use the equipment, this time no doubt this system is the use of a good helper.热忱欢迎各位精英加入我们的团队,携手共进!