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  • 上海闵行区
  • 5-10年
  • 硕士
  • 全职
  • 招5人


The Deployment Engineer will be instrumental in the development and implementation of advanced computer vision solutions, robotic process automation and generative AI technologies within our semiconductor assembly factory. This role aims to enhance manufacturing efficiency, improve quality control, and drive automation processes, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to optimize production workflows.

1. System Development:
a. Design, develop, and deploy CV and RPA algorithms and systems to semiconductor assembly quality control and automation.
b. Develop and integrate generative AI models to generate, simulate, or optimize manufacturing processes.
2. System Quality Assurance:
a. Implement real-time image analysis systems to detect, classify, and track defects in semiconductor components and assemblies.
b. Utilize AI techniques to analyze data and provide predictive insights for quality assurance.
3. Data Analysis and Model Training:
a. Analyze visual and operational data to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in manufacturing processes.
b. Train and optimize machine learning models using extensive datasets to enhance accuracy and performance.
4. System Integration:
a. Integrate computer vision and AI solutions with existing manufacturing systems and platforms to ensure seamless operation.
b. Collaborate with hardware engineers to ensure compatibility and robustness of computer vision setups.

Master’s degree in computer science, Electrical Engineering, Robotics, AI, or a related field.

Proficient in programming languages such as Python, C++, or Java relevant to computer vision and AI applications.
Experience with computer vision libraries (e.g., OpenCV, TensorFlow, Keras) and generative AI tools (e.g., GANs, VAEs).
Understanding of machine learning algorithms, especially in image processing and automated decision-making.

Experienced candidates, Semiconductor Engineering working experience is a plus.
5+ years of experience in computer vision applications and Gen-AI development or a related field. Familiarity with generative AI frameworks and methodologies Relevant certifications in computer vision, artificial intelligence, or machine learning (AWS Certified Machine Learning, Google AI certification) are a plus.





公司概况:上海沁恩商务信息咨询有限公司是一家集策划、设计、研发、生成、销售等一体的现代化企业自动化管理软件和大数据服务的综合服务商和微创科技企业。2011年创建,拥有20多名员工、务领域涵盖制造业半导体、手机,通讯等,多年积累了众多的合作伙伴。公司现状和发展趋势:网络时代到来了!大数据时代到来了!制造行业的管理创新改革已经在路上!我们提供基于数据的管理系统服务,帮助企业踏上新台阶!成功的捷径就是向成功者学习!全球公认的第一CEO杰克韦尔奇将通用推向一个高峰,成为全球CEO的楷模。他是如何做的:创立IT团队,在各个分厂建立系统,搜集数据,提供数据报告。六西格玛管理是他的亮点。而我们的定位就是这个IT团队:让半导体行业的管理人员像杰克韦尔奇一样在数据系统的支持下成功工作!目前团队有数据专家,网页专家,半导体质量专家,生产管理专家。核心成员大都工作十年到二十年,具有丰富的行业经验。我们坚信强强激荡,才能有好的作品。公司的主要产品和服务企业核心产品:MBO(Management By Objective).每家中大型制造企业都需要3大系统:MES(管理具体产品制造);ERP(管理企业具体资源);MBO(支持中高层管理)。我们想象长途驾驶没有导航仪,没有温度转速油量等指示,这样的驾驶是种什么清凉的感觉?而现在很多企业管理者就是这样在管理着自己的部门。MBO收集企业成百上千的指标,不同管理者按照不同时期的需要展示给自己关键指标。红绿灯,趋势图,邮件报警提醒,点击出更详细分析报告,发现问题开会记录的会议记录,行动自动追踪,形成稳定的自我闭循环管理!一切都有!无论在office还是在开国际会议,都有工厂一切尽在掌握的力量感觉!是让董事会放心,让管理者成功的必备系统。公司文化:我们的客户主要是全球着名美资企业西部数据(SanDisk),当纳利,常驻SanDisk在紫竹科技园的工厂。并且为马来西亚工厂提供系统服务,员工也偶尔飞驻马来西亚。像IBM一样为客户提供解决方案。我们是制造业的创新者,未来的企业砥柱!来吧!公司和行业的发展需要你的加入!我们需要各方面的人才!专才,通才,在我们这里都能找到你的价值。欢迎有激情、有责任的你加入。公司的福利待遇:公司提供五险一金,提供午餐补助,绩效奖金,员工旅游,出国机会,股权激励。公司主页:www.qineninfo.com招聘服务电话:15821215892