Kunshan Byson Electronics Co., Ltd. Introduction Founded in 2008, Kunshan Byson Electronics Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and International supplier of high quality cables and wires. Factories in Zhejiang and Jiangsu, with headquartered KAI Cable Inc. in downtown Shanghai, we have a stable client base and matured supply chain management. Our production value is up to 90 million US dollars per year. Byson provides clients the high-quality and wide range of products. With the support of our exceptional R&D department, Byson focuses on tailor-designed high-tech cables. Our distinctive combination of comprehensive market knowledge, familiarity with business conditions in different regions(especially in Europe), and close relationships with clients span the globe, not only enables Byson to provide specialized market-leading services, but also creates an environment where people can develop professional marketing or management careers.昆山勃盛电子有限公司(以下简称勃盛电子),成立于2008年,专业从事高品质光伏线缆的研发与生产。公司凭借着先进的技术、优秀的管理和卓越的生产能力,秉持“客户至上”的原则,赢得了国内外众多知名品牌的信赖,成为与他们共同成长的合作伙伴。勃盛电子一直注重产品品质的管理与提高。公司自成立以来,通过了ISO9001,14001与18001质量管理体系认证和产品UL,TUV的认证。公司不仅致力于搭建和完善产品平台,同时建立了质量管理和环保管理体系,为公司可持续发展打下坚实基础。在销售端,公司第一时间响应客户要求,以合理的价格提供客户化的产品和端到端的服务,保障客户的利益,积极解决在售前、售中、售后过程中可能遇到的问题,竭诚为公司客户提供优质服务;在采购端,公司与广大的供应商合作伙伴一起建立高效快速的供应链,携手将价廉质优的光伏线缆产品发挥其最佳的商业价值。公司以市场为核心,以产品为导向,面向国内外市场,大力推行品牌实施战略。公司拥有广阔的市场发展前景,产品在全球各类工业、民用领域。