Mission 任务: Responsible for the correct execution of the industrial opportunities and projects, coordinating the corresponding multifunctional team. 负责工业项目的运营管理,协调相应的多功能团队。 Main functions主要职责: 1.集中在风电领域,从职能层面管理工业部门的SQA/SQD,采购和项目管理内部团队; -成本竞争力。 -新供应商的开发。 -满足客户要求的交期。 -质量保证。 -项目协调。 -确保及时回复客户。 -其他运营相关的工作。 2.与销售团队紧密配合,确保内部运营与客户需求保持一致。成为销售团队与内部运营之间的主要沟通桥梁。 3.必要时与公司其他部门(如计划、质量、生产、研发等)协调,以确保工业业务的正常运行。 4.基于产品型号和项目要求,以及集团各工厂的工作负荷情况,为不同的客户项目决定生产地点,并在集团各工厂之间进行分配。同时,下达相应的内部采购订单。 5.负责与制造合作伙伴建立并维护高层次的合作关系。 Requirements of the job 岗位要求: 1.英语听说读写,英语口语流利。 2.机械或工程类专业(背景)优先。 3.有PMP证书者优先。 4.成熟的领导能力。 5.优秀的沟通技巧。 6.优秀的人际交往能力。 7.良好的分析能力。 8.抗压能力。 9. 10年以上项目管理经验。担任过采购、计划、工程师等职位者优先考虑。 10.有丰富的管理和领导多功能团队的经验者优先考虑。 11.有轴承行业或风电行业经验者优先考虑。
Company Introduction福赛是一家来自欧洲的全球化轴承生产企业,总部位于西班牙萨拉戈萨,今天的福赛出口总额已达95%,足迹遍布60多个国家和地区。Fersa Bearings is an international European manufacturer of bearings, located in Zaragoza, Spain,Fersa today has exported over 95% of its turnover to more than 60 Countries.作为全球轴承制造业中最值得信任的品牌之一,福赛有着40多年的欧洲轴承设计和制造经验,能够满足客户最严格的要求。福赛轴承已经被全球60多个国家众多的主机厂,整车厂和售后市场客户认可为一个值得信赖的品牌。Fersa is one of the most trusted brands in the global bearing indursry,.We have over 40years of European experience in Designing and manufacturing bearings for the most demanding customers, and since more than 15years ago, Fersa Bearingshas been a certified supplier to global Tier 1/OEM customer as well as a trusted brand to aftermarket customers in over 60 Countries.福赛最新的工厂位于中国嘉兴市,于2011年4月开始投产,工厂最初的设计理念是基于下面几项核心的福赛原则生产出高质量高性能的轴承:1.采用行业内最新的生产工艺。2.整合福赛40多年欧洲制造方面的经验。3.福赛强大的企业文化-持续创新同时极力提高产品质量的热情。Our newest facility, located in Jiaxing China, began production in April of 2011.The Plant was conceived to manufacture the highest quality performance bearings based on our core Fersa Principles:1.Use of the latest technological production processes in our industry.2.Incorporating over 40years Fersa European manufacturing experience.3. Fersa's strong corporate culture, which is synonymous with coninuous innovation and passion for quality.产品Product嘉兴福赛的轴承产品是按照最高工作标准和国际级主机和前市场最严苛的要求进行设计和加工的。Jiaxing Fersa products are designed and manufactured to comply with the highest working standards and the stricted demands of ourT1/OEM Clientsat an international level.荣誉Acknowledgments为了实现最高质量的目标,嘉兴福赛开发和实施了健全的过程管理程序,使用最先进的质量工具和持续的员工培训理念,并且始终执行。在短短两年的时间里,通过福赛员工的共同努力,我们已经获得了ISO/TS16949,ISO9001, ISO14001和OHSAS18001等证书,并以高分通过了全球客户的审核。To achievethe highest quality possible, Jiaxing Fersa has developed and implemented the most progressive management procedures, the most technologically advanced quality tools, as well as a continuous training work force philosophy. Through the joint efforts of Fersa team,We have achieved ISOTS16949, ISO9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001,have been certified and approved by the major global automotive customer within the shortest 2 years.相信加入福赛是您职业生涯中最明智的选择。我们会努力地促使您能在这里得到个人的成长和职业的发展,希望您能享受与我们在一起的美好时光。We do firmly believe that you will find Fersa a smart choice in your career path.We will do our best to make you stay with us a period of personal and professional growth. Hope you will enjoy your time with us."人才是福赛的关键因素,人才的吸纳,培养与发展,决定我们如何执行这项远大的项目并且决定了福赛公司未来的发展前景。"--福赛首席执行官卡洛斯.欧林"People are key to Fersa Bearings. Incorporation, Maintaining and developing talent is how we canundertake the most amibitous projects and carry out the company's growth strategy."--Carlos Oehling, CEO