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康师傅控股有限公司(「本公司」)及其附属公司(「本集团」)主要在中国从事生产和销售方便面、饮品及方便食品。本集团于1992年开始生产方便面,并自1996年起扩大业务至方便食品及饮品;2012年3月,本集团进一步拓展饮料业务范围,完成与PepsiCo中国饮料业务之战略联盟,开始独家负责制造、灌装、包装、销售及分销PepsiCo于中国的非酒精饮料。目前本集团的三大品项产品,皆已在中国食品市场占有显著的市场地位。据AC Nielsen 2014年12月零售市场研究报告的调查结果显示,以销售量为基准,在2014年1月-12月本集团于方便面、即饮茶、包装水及蛋卷的市场占有率分别为46.8%、53.9%、20.8%及18.3%,稳居市场领导地位;整体果汁的市场占有率为23.9%,居市场第二位。据Canadean 2014年12月数据显示,百事碳酸饮料2014年销售量市占以30.3%居市场第二位。「康师傅」作为中国家喻户晓的品牌,经过多年的耕耘与积累,深受中国消费者喜爱和支持。本集团不断完善遍布全国各地的销售网络,令新产品更加快速、有效地登陆市场,使得集团产品处于行业领先地位。截至2014年12月底,本集团共拥有582个营业所及77个仓库以服务36,837家经销商及118,359家直营零售商。本公司于1996年2月在香港联合交易所有限公司上市。于2014年12月31日,本公司之市值为128亿美元。现时本公司已被纳入英国富时指数中亚太区(除日本外)的成分股、摩根士丹利资本国际(MSCI)香港成分股指数及恒生指数蓝筹股行列。自2008年起,康师傅控股因其稳健的财务记录及出色的管理和创业技能,已经连续6年被福布斯评为「亚洲50强」上市公司。康师傅一直视消费者食品安全为己任,以构建质量安全管理的良性循环为目标。一切源于康师傅自始至终积极响应「从农田到餐桌」全程质量控制理念的倡导,投入巨资严控源头安全,牢牢掌握上游供应链,严苛管理原料和供货商。食品安全与产品质量是关乎生命健康的头等大事,是企业的立命之本,康师傅作为快消品行业的龙头企业肩负着食品安全与质量保障的重要责任,康师傅不断构建和完善 ISO220000管理体系,建立风险预防管理机制,实施食品安全的全方位控制,确保产品质量与安全。「民以食为天,食以安为先」,食品安全保证是决定企业未来发展的关键变量。构建食品安全与质量保障任重而道远,康师傅作为快消品行业的领导品牌义不容辞地应肩负起引领行业食品安全与质量保障的使命。康师傅将不断致力于产品质量与食品安全,为广大消费者提供安全、美味、健康的食品。食品安全一直是康师傅关注的核心内容,结合在节能环保、公益事业、人才培育、两岸文化交流等方面的努力,更获得中国食品安全网和食安商城联合主办「2014年度「食安杯」最受欢迎十佳食品安全企业」荣誉,并连续六届在年度食品安全重要会议上倍受称赞和嘉奖。连续九年荣获「大学生至爱品牌」荣誉。此外,康师傅入选 2014年亚洲品牌500强、上榜《福布斯》发布的全球最具创新力公司榜单、来自于研究机构 Kantar Worldpanel发布的2014年全球品牌足迹排行榜中康师傅荣登 2014中国快消品牌 50强足迹榜榜首、工信部发布 2014年 C-BPI榜中康师傅方便面╱茶饮料╱瓶装水连续四年获得第一品牌称号、德国品牌协会于 2014年 3月颁发的「最佳产品品牌奖」及「最佳食品与饮料品牌奖。」康师傅基于社会需求以及企业自身可持续发展的需要,启动世界名校奖学金计划,并结合日本百年名校早稻田大学的资源,与包括复旦大学、上海交通大学、同济大学、浙江大学、上海财经大学、台湾大学以及政治大学七所两岸一类高校进行合作,将支持两岸优秀学子继续深造。近十年来,两岸已有累计近一万名的留学生在早稻田大学进修,并对社会做出积极的贡献。也正基于这样的交流基础,康师傅便选择与早稻田大学合作及设立奖学金计划。截至2014年底,已经有314位莘莘学子透过这个渠道进入早稻田大学,未来还将预计支持总数超过400名的优秀学生继续深造。为了提供更广泛的机会给予立志向学的优秀青年,康师傅配合世界名校奖学金的设置,同步创设「康师傅创新挑战赛」的活动,在合作的七所高校之外,开辟特别选考的机会,让更多具备创新特质的青年朋友也能赴早稻田大学进修。「康师傅创新挑战赛」跨越学业成绩的限制,邀请青年朋友就身边值得关注的大小事件提出创意,经过专家学者组成的评审团认可后自 2010年至2014年,「创响新生代」康师傅创新挑战赛已经成功举办五届,大赛已成为具有品牌号召力的年度青年公益赛事。2014年康师傅创新挑战赛以「小公益大改变」为主题,校园巡讲横跨海峡两岸22座城市33所高校,与6,000多名莘莘学子分享公益热忱,共汇集来自海峡两岸的公益提案 1,679份,内容涉及环保、教育、弱势群体关爱、文化保护等领域。同时,为了帮助参赛选手更多地了解公益、认识公益,更好地推动他们的公益想法,康师傅创新挑战赛以「授之以渔」为出发点精心安排为期三天的公益训练营,对于优胜选手,大赛更提供赴美进行公益交流的绝佳机会,为大赛的优秀选手搭建与世界互联的平台。2015年 1月 22日,由大众媒体发起的第四届中国公益节活动在京举行,「康师傅创新挑战赛」凭借其出色的项目规划和执行,广泛的媒体关注度及良好的社会反响斩获第四届中国公益节「2014年度最佳公益项目奖」。这是继康师傅创新挑战赛获得「中国最佳公共关系案例大赛公益传播奖项」和「最佳CSR传播奖」后,又一次荣获企业社会责任类大奖。该奖项是社会各界对康师傅控股在公益领域做出的努力与贡献的充分认可和肯定。济弱扶贫向来是传统美德之一。康师傅遵循「取之于民,用之于民,回馈社会,永续经营」的经营之道,历年来投入助学、抗洪、抗震、扶贫、支持体育活动等社会公益事业的费用近 5亿元人民币。康师傅向来抱持人饥己饥,人溺己溺的初衷,汇聚各子公司的力量,积极投身各公益活动,在教育、两岸文化交流以及扶贫赈灾等方面尽更大社会责任。当洪水、地震、台风、暴风雪来袭,当地的人们饱受灾难之苦,但是灾难无情,人有情!作为负责任的企业公民,康师傅长期以来为扶贫赈灾公益事业贡献自己的一份绵薄之力,积极回馈社会,更重要的是康师傅希望激励和带动更多的爱心人士加入,共襄慈善盛举,向灾区人民伸出援手,帮助他们渡过最艰难的时刻。2014年8月3日云南鲁甸发生6.5级地震,康师傅第一时间展开救援,8月4日17:00第一批物资就已经送达鲁甸县民政局物资接收处,陆续共向灾区捐赠康师傅方便面 8,100箱、矿物质水 4,150箱、百事纯水乐 2,000箱及棉被 1,000套,前期紧急救助物资价值约合 78万元人民币。2014年康师傅于福布斯发布的「全球最具创新力公司」榜上有名;2014年 3月康师傅获德国品牌协会颁发「最佳产品品牌」及「最佳食品与饮料品牌」两项奖项、连续九年荣获「大学生至爱品牌」荣誉、「2014年度食安杯最受欢迎十佳食品安全企业」荣誉,这些荣誉的获得,除对康师傅品牌力及竞争力的肯定外,更激励我们不断努力致力于为消费者提供更丰富美味及安心的产品。今后,本集团仍将发展焦点集中于食品制造、营销及流通行业,并继续强化通路与销售系统网络,以建立「全球最大中式方便食品及饮品集团」为奋斗目标。Tingyi(Cayman Islands) Holding Corp.(the“Company”), and its subsidiaries(the“Group”) specialise in the production and distribution of instant noodles, beverages and instant food products in the People’s Republic of China(“PRC”). The Group started its instant noodle business in 1992, and expanded into the instant food business and beverage business in 1996. In March 2012, the Group further expanded its beverage business, the strategic alliance between the Company and PepsiCo in the beverage business in the PRC was established. The Company is exclusively manufacture, bottle, package, distribute and sell PepsiCo non-alcoholic drinks in the PRC. The Group’s three main business segments have established leading market shares in the PRC’s food industry. According to AC Nielsen SCAN TRACK EXPRESS, based on sales volume, year-to-date December 2014, the Group was the market leader in instant noodles, ready-to-drink teas, bottled water and egg rolls, gained 46.8%, 53.9%, 20.8% and 18.3% market shares respectively. In the overall juice drink market, the Group gained 23.9% market share, ranked No. 2 in the market. According to Canadean December 2014 data, based on sales volume, Pepsi carbonated drinks gained 30.3% market share and held a second position. After years of hard work and accumulation,“Master Kong” has become one of the best known brands among consumers in the PRC.The Group distributed its products throughout the PRC through its extensive sales network consisting of 582 sales offices and 77 warehouses serving 36,837 wholesalers and 118,359 direct retailers as of 31 December 2014. This extensive sales network is a significant contributor to the Group’s leading market position and it enables the Group to introduce new products rapidly and effectively.The Company was listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in February 1996. Market capitalisation as at 31 December 2014 was US$12.8 billion. The Company is a constituent stock of British’s FTSE All-World Asia Pacific Ex-Japan Index, Morgan Stanley Capital International(MSCI) Hong Kong Index and a component stock of Hong Kong‘s benchmark Hang Seng Index. For six consecutive years from 2008, Tingyi was named one of the 50 best listed companies in Asia by Forbes for its solid financial track record, excellent management and entrepreneurial skills.Master Kong has always upheld customer food safety as its responsibility, which targets to build a positive cycle of quality and safety management. All thanks to Master Kong’s dedicated support for the guiding principle of total quality control“from farm to table”. Master Kong invested heavily to control food safety from the source and closely monitored the upstream supply chain through tight management of the raw materials and suppliers. Food safety and product quality have been the top priority related to life and health, and also the foundation of enterprises. Being a leading enterprise in the fast moving consumer goods industry, Master Kong holds the important responsibility of food safety and quality guarantee. Master Kong constantly builds and improves ISO220000 management system, establishes risk prevention management system, implements entire control over food safety and ensures product quality and safety.“Food is No. 1 need and food safety is the first consideration”.Food safety is the key variable of future development of enterprise. Establishing food safety and maintaining food quality is a heavy responsibility and long way to go. Being a leading brand in the fast moving consumer goods industry, Master Kong has no doubt to hold the industry responsibility of food safety and quality guarantee. Master Kong will constantly strive for product quality and food safety, as well as provide consumers with safe, tasty and healthy food.Food safety has always been the core concern for Master Kong through the combined efforts on energy-saving and environmental protection, social charities, talent development and cross-strait cultural exchanges. Also, Master Kong was awarded the honor of the“2014“Food Safety Cup” Most Popular Best Ten Food Safety Enterprise” jointly organized by Chinese Food Safety Publicity Web and Food Safety Mall, Daily, as well as being recognized and acclaimed at the important annual conference on food safety for six consecutive years, and being recognized the honor of the“Most Favorite Brand of University Student” for nine consecutive years. Besides, Master Kong was being awarded“2014 Asia Brand 500”, being listed in the World’s Most Innovative Companies published by Forbes, being listed in the top of 2014 Top 50 Chinese FMCG Brands Footprint of 2014 Global Brand Footprint published by Kantar Worldpanel, a research institute. Master Kong’s instant noodle/tea drinks/bottled water was being awarded Top Brand in 2014 C-BPI published by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for four consecutive years. Master Kong also won the“Best Product Brand Award” and the“Best Food& Beverage Brand Award” granted by the German Brands Association in March 2014.Based on the society needs and its own needs of sustainable development, Master Kong has started the world elite universities scholarship program, and combined with the resources of Waseda University, a prestigious university in Japan with over 100 years of history, and co-operated with seven universities in the cross-strait, namely Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University, will support outstanding students between the cross-strait to further studies. In the past decade, nearly 10,000 students in total students overseas further studied in Waseda University, and actively contributed to society. On the ground of such exchanges, Master Kong decided to co-operate with Waseda University of the scholarship program. As of the end of 2014 many students, around 314 studied in Waseda University though this scholarship program, we expect that totally over 400 outstanding students will further study in Waseda University in the future. In order to provide more opportunities to outstanding youths dedicated to study, in align with the world elite universities scholarship program, Master Kong synchronously launched the“Master Kong Creative Challenges”(康师傅创新挑战赛) activity, in addition to such seven cooperated universities, which also offers a special selection opportunity to the youths with the characteristic of creativity to further study in Waseda University.“Master Kong Creative Challenges”(康师傅创新挑战赛) beyond the restriction of academic results, but invite youths to raise more creative ideas about the daily events which we should concern. After the recognition from the adjudication panel which comprises with professionals, such youth can be entitled to the special selection qualification to compete for the opportunity of further study in Waseda University. The“Master Kong Creative Challenges” program has penetrated into nearly a hundred schools on both sides of the Taiwan Straits since 2010 and the number of persons involved through the online platform also reached 170 million.From 2010 to 2014, the“New generation with creativity and sound bite” Master Kong Creative Challenge has been successfully organized for five years. The program has become a branded and alluring annual charitable event for youths. In 2014,“Master Kong Creative Challenges”(康师傅创新挑战赛) used“Big Change with Small Charity”(小公益大改变) as its theme. Master Kong held school speech tours in 22 cities and 33 high schools on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, which shared charitable enthusiasm, and totally collected 1,679 charitable proposals from both sides of the Taiwan Straits, involving various areas, including environmental protection, education, caring for the weak and poor, cultural protecting. At the same time, in order to assist candidates to understand charity and realize charity and to further promote their chartable thinking, Master Kong has arranged a charity training camp for a period of three days with the selected theme“a teaching of fishing skills” as the starting point. As for winners, such challenges also provided a valuable opportunity to undergo a charity exchange in America, which established a connected world platform to outstanding candidates in the challenges.On 22 January 2015, the 4th China Charity Festival promoted by mass media was held in Beijing, which“Master Kong Creative Challenges” won“2014 Best Charity Project Award” in the 4th China Charity Festival by virtue of its outstanding project planning and implementation, arousing general media concern and warm feedback from the public. This is another Corporate Social Responsibility Communication Award won by The Master Kong Creative Challenge program after it has been confirmed of winning the“Charity Communication Award in the Best Public Relations Case Competition in China” and“ The Best CSR Communication Prize”. Such award represents a fully reorganization and affirmation from community to the efforts and contributions in respect of charity area made by Master Kong.Salvation and helping the poverty is one of the traditional virtues. Master Kong has always committed to develop the maximum value of people oriented activities. Salvation and helping the underprivileged is one of the traditional virtues. Upholding the operation philosophy of“obtaining from the people, using on the people and repaying the society for a sustainable operation”, Master Kong has contributed an aggregated amount of RMB500 million for social charitable work such as sponsoring education, fighting floods, relieving earthquakes, relieving poverty, supporting sports activities during past years. Master Kong always upholds the philosophy of empathy, feeling how others feel, by gathering all the power of subsidiaries and proactively devoting to various social charities, so as to fulfill more social responsibilities in education, cross-strait cultural exchange and poverty relief and disaster relief work. When flood, earthquake, typhoon, blizzard struck, the local people would suffer from disaster, but relentless disaster with enthusiastic people! Being a responsible corporate citizen, Master Kong has been contributed its humble effort to property relief, disaster relief and charity, as well as actively rewarded the society, more importantly, Master Kong wishes to motivate and bring more enthusiastic people to join, in order to jointly support charity and lend a helping hand to people in disaster area and help them to get through in the most difficult time.On 3 August 2014, Ludian, Yunnan stuck by earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.1, Master Kong started rescue immediately. First batch of supplies was delivered to receive counter Ludian County Civil Affairs Bureau on 4 August at 17:00, which successively donated 8,100 boxes of Master Kong instant noodle, 4150 boxes of mineral water, 2000 boxes of Pepsi Aquafina and 1,000 quilts, and upfront emergency relief supplies value amounted approximately RMB780,000.In 2014, Master Kong was being listed in the World’s Most Innovative Companies published by Forbes. In March 2014, Master Kong received the“Best Product Brand Award” and the“Best Food& Beverage Brand Award” from The German Brands Association. And being recognized the honor of the“Most Favorite Brand of University Student” for nine consecutive years. Master Kong was awarded the honor of the“2014‘Food Safety Cup’ Most Popular Best Ten Food Safety Enterprise”. By obtaining these honors, the brand power and competitiveness of Master Kong were recognized, what’s more, we are encouraged to constantly endeavor, trying to provide consumers with more varieties of delicious and safe products.Focused on food manufacture, sales and circulation business, the Group will continue to strengthen its logistics and sales network in the PRC with target of becoming“The largest Group for Chinese Instant Food& Beverage in the World”.