杭州登登狗(Dengdeng GO)网络科技有限责任公司是浙大求是教育(杭州)/中科创新未来教育(北京)教育联盟的旗下企业机构,致力于教育领域里的外事服务,专业从事着国际合作办学、学生国际结对、海外培训访问、搭建全球校际伙伴关系、国际理解教育的研发、出国留学进修、中外合作办学、外籍教师引进、国内中小学校园教学教务等项目。依托浙江大学和中科院的综合资源优势,为公司的运行和创新提供了强有力的支撑,具有综合竞争力的教育前沿企业 Dengdeng GO& Hangzhou Qiushi Education Service Company of Zhejiang University all are the foreign-oriented institution in the field of education and culture. Leveraging the comprehensive resources of Zhejiang University, it has provided strong support for the company's operation and innovation, striving to create an education cutting-edge industry with comprehensive competitiveness.For the past twenty years, the company has been dedicated to providing educational foreign affairs services, specializing in teacher-student exchange programs, overseas training visits, establishing global inter-school partnerships, research and development of international understanding education, study abroad and further education programs, Sino-foreign cooperative education initiatives, and the recruitment of foreign teachers, among other projects.