

  • 广州南沙区
  • 本科
  • 实习
  • 招1人
  • 6个月
  • 3天/周




Job Title: Intern (General Office Support and Coordination)
Department: Training Center, Office of Knowledge Transfer, HKUST(GZ)
Job ID:

About the HKUST (GZ) Training Center

The training center at HKUST (GZ) was established in 2023 to coordinate and oversee all training and continuing professional development opportunities and activities for the university. Through our courses, programs, facilities, innovation ecosystem, and most importantly our people, we help leaders and innovators adapt to a world of accelerating change and empower them to leverage technology for socio-economic impact. The training center work in partnership with individuals, teams, and enterprises to build capacity, develop capability, and create opportunities to enable innovation.

Job Needs/Assessments

1. Provides clerical and logistic support for the daily operation of the training center. Help to manage training center-related data, support data analysis, and compilation of reports.
2. Help coordinate meetings, workshops, and seminars which include preparing agendas, minutes, correspondences, and room/meal reservations, and assist with internal and external communications and conference calls.
3. Assist team in coordinating and implementing logistics for all in-person and online events, including speaker presentations and agenda, IT needs, publicity, travel arrangements, processing of all reimbursements and honorarium, and other related duties.
4. Edit documents, proof-reading, organize materials, reports, and correspondence.
5. Prepares and administers billing, invoices, receipts, statements, and other financial documentation related to training services.


Job Requirement:

1. Currently enrolled in a University.
2. Knowledge in Accounting and Finance will be an advantage.
3. Ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
4. Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
5. Independent, with the ability to juggle multiple priorities; self-directed and motivated.
6. Excellent verbal and written in English. Other languages would be an advantage.
7. Digitally savvy (Excel/Outlook/PowerPoint/Word).
8. Commitment of at least 3 days/week for at least 6 months.

How to Apply:
Please submit your CV to ziweicai@hkust-gz.edu.cn






香港科技大学(广州)是一所经国家教育部批准设立的内地与香港合作大学,是《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》及《广州南沙深化面向世界的粤港澳全面合作总体方案》颁布实施以来成立的首家具有独立法人资格的内地与香港合作办学机构,于2022年6月正式成立。香港科技大学(广州)锐意创新,以发展融合学科为特色,探索创新人才培养模式,以建设成为内地与香港教育融合发展的典范、国际知名的高水平大学为己任,致力于培养面向未来的高水平创新型人才。香港科技大学(广州)由广东省人民政府依法进行管理。学校开展本科和硕博士层次教育,按照国家统一招生政策规定招收本科生,依照港科大(广州)及港科大的毕业要求,颁发香港科技大学(广州)毕业证书、学士学位证书及香港科技大学学士学位证书,依据有关规定及学校的毕业要求实施香港科技大学硕士学位和博士学位教育,颁发香港科技大学硕士学位和博士学位证书。为了应对世界和人类社会面临的日趋复杂的重大挑战,香港科技大学(广州)采用全新的、融合学科的学术架构,以“枢纽”(Hub)和“学域”(Thrust)取代传统学科学术架构的“学院”和“学系”,推动学科交叉融合,同时大力发展新兴学科和前沿学科。这在全球高等教育界是一项创举。香港科技大学(广州)下设功能枢纽(Function Hub)、信息枢纽(Information Hub)、系统枢纽(Systems Hub)、社会枢纽(Society Hub),下设15个硕博士专业。学校首批开设人工智能、数据科学与大数据技术、智能制造工程等三个本科专业,将于2023年开始招生。香港科技大学(广州)位于广州市南沙区庆盛枢纽,办学地址为笃学路1号。学校占地面积约1669亩,项目分两期建设:其中项目一期用地面积约716亩,一期总建筑面积约63.6万平方米,于2022年9月正式投入使用。校园设计利用自然景观与建筑共融,并在设计及建设过程中融入节能、环保的关键性前沿技术,致力于将校园打造成为绿色、智慧、可持续发展的新标杆。