We are the subsidiary of WWC, P.C., a U.S.CPAs firm, engaged in auditing the Chinese company's IPO in the U.S. capital market. WWC, P.C. has offices in U.S., Singapore, Japan, and Beijing, Shenzhen, HongKong, Taiwan. WWC, P.C. currently has nearly 50 Chinese clients and help 7 Chinese companies successfully list in U.S. capital market in 2023.
Position Responsibilities
- Familiar with company rules and regulations and adjust to the corporate culture
- Familiar with U.S. and Chinese accounting standards and auditing standards
- Familiar with or understand the process of Chinese company's IPO in the US capital market
- Familiar with the preparation of audit workpapers, financial statements, and draft accounting memo for complex accounting issue and reporting disclosure
- To be orgnized and have multiple task capacity
-Dedicate to detail reveiw on junior's workpapers
- Communicate with audit teams and clients in a timely and efficient manner
- Performs other duties as required
Position Requirements:
-Excellent analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skills and careful qualities
-Excellent writing and communication skills in English and Chinese
- Ability to work in a high-pressure, time-critical environment; a good team worker
- Ability to learn quickly and transfer learning to application
- A professional, reliable, honest and dependable partner.
-Self-motivated and able to perform multiple tasks within deadlines
-Service-minded and focused on providing excellent customer service
-With 5-8 years audit experience
-Solid accounting knowledge
-Basic office software skills, including the ability to utilize Word and Excel.
Degree requirements:
-Bachelor's or Master's degree from top universities around the world
-Actively preparing the AICPA exam (if not already AICPA certified)
本公司为美国 WWC, P. C.会计师事务所子公司,从事中概股赴美上市审计业务, WWC, P. C.在美国,新加坡,中国北京,中国深圳,中国香港,中国台湾,日本等国家和地区设立了子公司。现在正在筹备澳大利亚和巴黎办公室。公司成立40多年,2011年成立北京文舜咨询顾问有限公司,进入国内市场开始做中概股审计业务,2023年业务扩展需要成立深圳文舜咨询顾问有限公司。全球员工200多人,从事中概股员工100多人,现有中概股客户近50家。公司可以做美国上市,香港上市和新加坡上市审计业务。2023年全市场共有28家中概股挂牌交易,其中有7家是我公司客户。公司提供全套美国上市培训。公司全额缴纳社保和公积金,每年除法定节假日外,额外给员工18天带假期。并且公司提供美国工作机会。公司注重员工工作和生活平衡。希望与你共同发展。